Pastor Rick Weesner

Pastor Rick Weesner was ordained in The Wesleyan Church in 1989.  He has served nearly 35 years in the West Michigan area with almost 30 of those years here at Garrison Hills.  He and his wife, Kay, have four daughters and ten grandchildren.  Pastor Rick was also involved in the founding of Calhoun Christian School in Battle Creek and currently serves on the board of Project Hope Ministries. Kay serves as the church secretary as well as children’s choir director and many other roles in our children’s ministry.

“I can’t remember a time that the church wasn’t a part of my life.  My parents always saw to it that church was available to me even when they didn’t attend.  In fact, if it were not for the influence of Sunday School teachers, I don’t believe God would have the place He has in my heart and life today.  It’s because of the influence of Christian adults in my life that I not only felt called to the Christian life, but that I sensed God’s call to ministry.  Those two events didn’t occur at the same time.  In fact, ministry is a second career for me.  My wife and I served the church as volunteers for the first 15 years of our marriage while I serviced computers.  Thanks to my pastor, I had the opportunity to be exposed to ministry and ministerial training opportunities.  It was during this training that I sensed God’s call to full time service.  Wanting confirmation, I didn’t tell anyone of my call.  I asked God to confirm His call to me through another individual, and about 6 months later, my pastor suggested that I consider full time ministry.”

“It’s my desire as pastor to provide the same opportunities to the people of my congregation today.  The mission of the church is to disciple believers.  It’s my hope that in this process, the atmosphere will be created that will allow individuals to hear and respond to God’s call.  I believe the success of the church isn’t just how many people are brought to Christ, but whether those individuals also find their purpose in Christ.  It’s my desire to see that happen here at Garrison Hills.”

– Pastor Rick